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V3: How do I delete, add or edit a keyword that is associated with a group or campaign?
V3: How do I delete, add or edit a keyword that is associated with a group or campaign?

Delete, edit, or add keywords to existing groups and campaigns.

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 6 months ago

To delete, edit or add a keyword that is associated with a group or campaign, you have to get to the campaigns page first.

After logging in to PastorsLine...

Step 1: Click on Campaigns (yellow box in image to the left). Then choose the type of campaign whose keywords you wish to edit.

Step 2: Locate the campaign whose keywords you wish to manage.

There are two ways to edit keywords on the Campaigns page:


Step 1

To delete the keyword (or dissociate it from the current group), click on the X at the end of the keyword. Anywhere you see the X next to the keyword, you can delete keywords this way.

NOTE: Deleting keywords from a group that is linked to a data capture will make that data capture a draft on the campaigns page.

Step 2

Next, make sure the keyword(s) you want to be deleted are checked (gold circle in image below), while any keywords you want to stay are unchecked, and click Delete (gold arrow in image below).

If you have multiple keywords, you will see all of them. Uncheck the ones you want to keep.

In the case of a Data Capture, the screen is slightly different. Note that if you have multiple keywords, you will be deleting all of them.


You can use Edit to add, change, or delete your keyword(s).

Step 1: On the detail line of your campaign, click on the 3-dots (More menu).

Step 2: Choose Edit.

NOTE: Deleting keywords from a group that is linked to a data capture will make that data capture a draft on the campaigns page.

Step 3: This step depends on the type of campaign that you selected:


The Automated Messages page will open.

Ia. Select EDIT TRIGGERS (gold circle in image above). The Edit Triggers box will pop up.

Ib. To create a new keyword, toggle on the switch for USE KEYWORD (gold arrow in image above). Then type your desired keyword under CREATE KEYWORD (brown box in image below) and click Save (gold circle in image above).

Note: Using keywords as triggers for automated message is not recommended because it takes a bit more time - it can take up to 3 minutes to process the first message. If this first message is a critical, text auto-reply, this may not be desirable.

If you want to trigger an AMC with a keyword, we recommend using either a Data Capture campaign with a keyword or a group with a keyword. You can find out more information about this here.

Ic. To delete a keyword, toggle off the switch for USE KEYWORD (gold arrow in image above).



The Edit Autoreply page will open.

IIa. To delete a keyword, toggle off the relevant keyword option buttons (turquoise box + arrow and gold box + arrow in image above).

IIb. To add a new keyword or edit an existing one, jump to Section 2 of another article.


The Edit Data Capture page will open.

IIIa. To delete a keyword, toggle off the relevant keyword option buttons (turquoise box + arrow and gold box + arrow in image above).

IIIb. To add a new keyword or edit an existing one, click on Add Keywords (blue box in image below).

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