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All CollectionsPEOPLE (formerly CONTACTS)
V3: People View -- People Details
V3: People View -- People Details

Further details of your people (contacts) and how to edit them.

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 7 months ago

This page gives information about a person (contact).



Step 1

Log in to PastorsLine and go to your Dashboard.

Step 2

Click on PEOPLE (person icon, gold box below).

Step 3

Click on the category/sub-category you wish to look at. In our case, we clicked on Phone Type (turquoise box and line above). From the sub-menu which opened, we clicked on Mobile (cream box and lines above).

NOTICE: There are four people listed in Column 3. However, the number of Mobile number in Column 2 is counted as 3. That is because JH is a duplicate. Thus, that person is not counted twice.

Step 4

Click on the name of the person for whom you wish to see their details.

Step 5

The details will open to the right.


This is how it looks in column view.


At the top, right-hand side of the page are a few icons (see image above). Hover over each image for its action. For more info about the first three (heart, speech bubble, phone) check out this article. We will discuss the Action Menu (three dots) here.

From the Action Menu (detail in image above):

Allow calls / Do not call - mark this person as wishing/not wishing to receive calls.

Unsubscribe (Texts) - mark this person as not wishing to receive texts.

Block - prevent this person from contacting you.

More - manage details about this person: a wide range of actions (see above image)

Archive Person: Removes this person from active status and keeps (does not erase) their details.


As you can see above, this page has 6 main components. Let's look at each one.

Component 1: Individual Details

A: First name

Hover near this area until the Edit appears. Click on Edit.

Type your updated first name in the relevant space (see turquoise text in image to the left). Then click on Save to update with your changes (brown arrow in image to the left).

B: Last name

Hover near this area until the Edit appears. Click on Edit.

Type your updated last name in the relevant space (see turquoise text in image to the left). Then click on Save to update with your changes (brown arrow in image to the left).

C: Phone

Hover near this area until the Edit appears. Click on Edit.

Choose a new country code from the dropdown menu if needed (turquoise box to the left). Type the updated phone in the relevant space (gold box to the left). Then click on Save to update with your changes (brown arrow in image to the left).

D: Caller Information

This feature allows you to check whether or not the phone number is "message-friendly" or not. In this way, you don't spend credits sending messages which will end up being undelivered.

D1. Hover near this area until the Edit appears. Click on Edit.

This box will pop up.

D2. Click Check and Pay to perform the check. Otherwise, click Cancel.

E: Email

Hover near this area until the Edit appears. Click on Edit.

Type or edit the email on the relevant line (see turquoise text to the left). Then click on Save to update with your changes (brown arrow to the left).

F: Address

Hover near this area until the Edit appears. Click on Edit.

Type or edit the address on the relevant line (see turquoise text to the left). Then click on Save to update with your changes (brown arrow to the left).

G: Birthday

Hover near this area until the Edit appears. Click on Edit.

Choose the relevant numbers from the dropdown menus.T hen click on Save to update with your changes.

H: Created

Date this person (contact) became part of your PastorsLine people. The PastorsLine system populates this date for you.

Components 2 - 6

Notice that at the top of this page, there are tabs. As shown in the image below, About corresponds to Component 1: Individual Details. Groups corresponds to Component 2: Groups, and so on. [There are 7 tabs and only 6 components because Integrations does not have a component on the About tab page.]

On the About tab page, Components 2-6 show as summaries. You can access their detail in two ways from here.

Option 1: Click on the tab itself in the tab bar.

Option 2: Hover in the component section until the Manage appears. Click on Manage. You will be taken to the relevant tab page.

Component 2: Groups

The number of groups this person belongs to. The detail in the tab lists their groups.

Component 3: Tags

The tags associated with this person. The detail in the tab lists their tags.

Component 4: Campaigns

The number of campaigns this person has opted in to. The detail in the tab lists their campaigns.

Component 5: Latest Message

The content of the last SMS you sent this person. The detail in the tab lists their message history.

Component 6: Details Log

The last activity on this person's data. The detail in the tab lists the action history.

Last but not least...Integrations

Gives information about which (if any) integration is responsible for syncing this person's information with which ChMS.

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