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V3: Archive vs Delete

Explaining archive (soft delete) vs delete (permanent - no returns).

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over a week ago

2024.01.17 Previously, you had to archive a PastorsLine person's profile before you could see the delete option. Now, for PastorsLine people, you will see both options from the start. Here are some examples:

People --> All people --> People

People --> Integrations --> None

Similarly, for archived PastorsLine people, you will always see both options: unarchive and delete.

People --> Archived--> PastorsLine

People --> Archived--> PastorsLine

If you do a multiselect of people and you have a mix of PastorsLine and integration people, you will only see the common element: archive or unarchive.

Remember: Delete is only possible for PastorsLine people. People via an integration can only be archived.

ARCHIVE (aka soft delete)

This option allows you to remove a person or group from active status without erasing them from your people (contacts) or groups. Archive can be found in the People or Group view.

Archiving people

When you archive a person, they DO NOT remain on your lists as greyed out. They are removed from your lists and placed in the archive.

Archiving groups

When you archive a group, it DOES NOT remain on your lists as greyed out. It is removed from your lists and placed in the archive.

Groups can be connected with keywords and campaigns. When you archive a group;

  • if it is connected to a keyword-triggered, auto-reply campaign, that campaign will be removed from the Campaign page.

  • if it is associated with a data capture, the group will be unassociated from that data capture and the data capture will be made into a draft. Why a draft? Data captures cannot stand alone. They must be triggered by a group or keyword.

  • if it is associated with a automated messages campaign (AM), the group will be unassociated from that AM. The AM will not be made into a draft as it can stand alone.

The archive advantage

You can unarchive someone or a group. Archiving a person or group removes them from active status but does not erase their details from your people or groups. So, you can always unarchive them back to active status when needed.

2022.08.11: Note about how Archive works

Situation 1

You archive all profiles associated to a number so that none are left active. That number sends you a text. What will happen?

Result 1

ALL archived profiles associated to that number will be un-archived.

Situation 2

You archive all but ONE of the profiles associated to a number so that one is left active. That number sends you a text. What will happen?

Result 2

Since the number has an active profile, nothing happens to the archived profiles. They all remain archived.

DELETE (aka erase)

This option allows you to remove an archived person from your PastorsLine data. Once a person is deleted, there are no comebacks. The person will need to opt in again or be manually added to your PastorsLine people.

NOTE: Delete is not an option for your people who are connected via an integration. Those people can only be archived and unarchived.

There are many places. Here are a few examples.

EXAMPLE 1: Hover over a person's name in the People view. The Archive option appears (box file icon, gold arrow in image below).

You can also do a multiple archive.

In the image below, we have chosen two people (turquoise box in image below). PastorsLine sees this because it says "2/7541 Selected" (see turquoise arrow and line in image below).

If we click on Actions (gold box in image above), and choose Archive from the dropdown menu (see image to the left), all the people we have chosen will be archived.

EXAMPLE 2: In the expanded details of a person, again in People view, click on the Action Menu (3 horizontal dots at the top of the page). Select Archive Person (red text, gold arrow in image below).

EXAMPLE 3: Hover over a group's name in the Group view. The Archive option appears (box file icon, gold arrow in image below). NOTE: The "All People" and "Unclassified" group are system created and managed groups and you cannot delete/archive those.

You can also do a multiple archive.

In the image below, we have chosen two groups (turquoise box in image below). PastorsLine sees this because it says "2/20 Selected" (see turquoise arrow and line in image below). NOTE: make sure to UNCHECK the "All People" and "Unclassified" group from your selection. Those are system created and managed groups and you cannot delete/archive those. If one or both of these are selected, this will affect which options you see when trying to archive your groups.

If we click on Actions (gold box in image above), and choose Archive from the dropdown menu (see image to the left), all the groups we have chosen will be archived.

EXAMPLE 4: In the expanded details of a group, again in Group view, click on the Action Menu (3 horizontal dots at the top of the page). Select Archive (red text, gold arrow in image below).


While in People view, open the Archived subcategory (turquoise box in image below).

Choose a further subcategory. We have chosen PastorsLine. If you hover over a person's name, you will see the vertical 3-dot Action Menu. Click on it to reveal two options: Unarchive and Delete. [See gold boxes in image below.]

Unarchive: Restores the person to active status.

Delete: Erases them from your PastorsLine people. There is no coming back from this. They will need to opt in again or you will need to manually enter in their details

You can also do a multiple unarchive / delete (see turquoise boxes in image below). In the image below, we have chosen two people. PastorsLine sees this because it says "2 Selected" next to the Action Menu (3 vertical dots at the top of the page). When we open the Action Menu, we have our two options. Whichever option we choose will be done to all the people we have selected.


While in Groups view, make sure your PastorsLine view is expanded so you can see all 4 columns. Find the Archived category in the 2nd column (turquoise box and arrow in image below).

Choose a further subcategory. We have chosen PastorsLine. If you hover over a group's name, you will see the vertical 3-dot Action Menu. Click on it to reveal two options: Unarchive and Delete. [See gold boxes in image below.]

Unarchive: Restores the group to active status. The only campaign that is restored after unarchiving the group is the keyword + keyword auto reply campaign. The data capture will remain a draft until reconnected manually. Same for AMC.

Delete: Erases them from your PastorsLine groups. There is no coming back from this. You will need to create this group again.

You can also do a multiple unarchive / delete. It works the same way as for People (see section above).

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