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V3: Icon -- Archive

Explanation of the icon which is a box with a lid and a downward arrow inside.

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over a year ago

2024.01.17 Previously, you had to archive a PastorsLine person's profile before you could see the delete option. Now, for PastorsLine people, you will see both options from the start. Here are some examples:

People --> All people --> People

People --> Integrations --> None

Similarly, for archived PastorsLine people, you will always see both options: unarchive and delete.

People --> Archived--> PastorsLine

People --> Archived--> PastorsLine

If you do a multiselect of people and you have a mix of PastorsLine and integration people, you will only see the common element: archive or unarchive.

Remember: Delete is only possible for PastorsLine people. People via an integration can only be archived.

2022.08.11: Note about how Archive works

Situation 1

You archive all profiles associated with a number so that none are left active. That number sends you a text. What will happen?

Result 1

ALL archived profiles associated with that number will be un-archived.

Situation 2

You archive all but ONE of the profiles associated with a number so that one is left active. That number sends you a text. What will happen?

Result 2

Since the number has an active profile, nothing happens to the archived profiles. They all remain archived.

Archive in general: person or group

The image to the left shows the Archive icon.

Sometimes, the archive option will appear in the Action Menu (3 dots) as shown in the image to the left.

In either case, archiving a person or group acts as a "soft delete". Your archived person or group is removed to the archived list and is no longer considered active. However, they are NOT erased from the PastorsLine system.


Archive from the Messages view

Let's look at an example:

  • Click on Messages (speech bubble icon, turquoise 1 in image below).

  • Click on a category - we chose All Messages (turquoise 2 in image below).

  • Click on a message (turquoise 3 in image below).

The message screen will open up (image below).

Step 1: Click on the 3-dot Action Menu (turquoise arrow in image above).

Step 2: Click on Archive Person (gold box in image above).

Step 3: The Archive People box will pop up (image below). If there is more than one person who might be archived, you will see a number instead of a name as in our example below.

You will also see this warning message (image below):

Step 4: Click on the purple Yes, archive button. If there is only one person to archive, this will be the end of the process. If there are multiple possibilities, we move on to Step 5.

Step 5: The Archive People detail screen will open up.

5a. Select all the contacts by clicking on the box to the left of First Name (gold box in image below). -OR- Select individual contacts via the check box to the left of their first name (turquoise box in image below).

5b. Note that you can scroll down to see all the people (fuchsia arrow in image above).

Step 6: Once you have made your selection, click on the purple Yes, archive button.


Archive from the People view

Let's look at an example:

  • Click on People (person icon icon, turquoise 1 in image below).

  • Click on a category - we chose All People (turquoise 2 in image below).

  • Click on a person (turquoise 3 in image below).

The person screen will open up (image below).

Step 1: Click on the 3-dot Action Menu (turquoise arrow in image above).

Step 2: Click on Archive Person (gold box in image above).

Step 3: The Archive People box will pop up (image below).

  • 3a. Is there only one person to archive? You will see a pop-up box like the image below. Click on Yes, archive to complete your action.

  • 3b. Is there more than one person who might be archived? You will see a screen like the image below:

You will also see this warning message (image below):

Step 4: Select all the contacts by clicking on the box to the left of First Name (gold box in image above). -OR- Select individual contacts via the check box to the left of their first name (turquoise box in image above).

NOTE: You can scroll down to see all the people (fuchsia arrow in image above).

Step 5: Once you have made your selection, click on the purple Yes, archive button.

To see your archived people or groups

In the People or Groups view, click on the Archived category (last category in both screenshots above).

You might also see the icons below in various places...

This icon shows that there are nothing archived.

In this case, 2 people are archived.


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