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V3: Settings -- User Settings -- Notifications
V3: Settings -- User Settings -- Notifications

Organize which alerts you get for which numbers: mobile app, email, and SMS notifications.

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 11 months ago

Every time someone texts your PastorsLine (PL) number, you will receive a notification in your Inbox. Same for your phone if you are using our mobile app. However, there are additional notifications you can use.


  1. SMS notifications will go to the phone number you have in your profile.

  2. These notifications need to be managed for each user. Changing these settings only affects your own notification settings.


Desktop view:

Click on Notifications.

Your Notifications page will open.



(Don't worry -- we will make it larger soon. We just wanted you to see the overview.)

Mobile view:

Step 1: No matter where you are, click on More (3 dots, gold box and arrow in image to the left).

Step 2: Then click on Notifications (turquoise box in image to the left).

The Notifications screen will open.

Step 3: Click on All Notifications to update your settings.

NOTE 1: Campaign Notifications will not open/display due to the resolution (screen size).

NOTE 2: The info you see at the top of the page in Desktop view is displayed at the bottom of the page (Information:).

Continue as below.


First you need to follow at least one number. Look for the Following: line (blue box in image to the left). Click on the [#] Numbers link to open a pop up.

Choose at least 1 number from the Select Numbers To Follow popup. Then, click on Confirm to save your actions.

Notice that you are now following 1 number. You can return here to manage the numbers you are following.

Notice also that the toggle button changes color (purple button, brown box in image to the left).

Now you can start to set up your notification settings.

Now that your Custom Notifications are toggled on and you are following at least 1 number...

As we mentioned above, there are basically 2 sections on this page: Details and Notifications. We will look at each one in detail.

Details section

Envelope icon

Hover over this area to reveal the Edit.

Click on the Edit to manage your email address.

The View My Profile Settings pop up will appear.

Click on Confirm to move to another page and manage your email address.

Mobile phone icon

As shown in the image to the left, if we hover over the red exclamation point [!], a status message pops up. We are prompted to verify our unverified number. Click on Verify Now?

This screen will pop up. Enter the code received on your mobile to continue.

If you do not receive a code, click on Click here (bottom of the screen) to try again.

Screen icon

Click on Edit to enable notifications on your browser (brown box above). A pop-up box will appear. Click on Allow to enable notifications on your browser.

Mobile icon

This second mobile icon shows whether or not you have downloaded the PastorsLine mobile app.

Case 1: You have NEVER downloaded the PastorsLine mobile app.

You will be redirected to to download the app.

Case 2: You downloaded the PastorsLine mobile app but deleted it.

It will show as "Downloaded" even though you have deleted it. If you want to download it again, go to to download the app.

Notification tabs

The remainder of this article deals with the details you will see in the All Notifications tab (purple text in image above). The Campaign Notifications tab is connected to internal emails and text message. For more info, click here.

Notifications section


This is where you will set up email notifications for missed calls.

Since the notifications are per number, the set up actually needs to be done on your My Numbers page. Click on the Go to My Numbers link. You will be redirected to your My Numbers page to continue.

Here are the basic steps on the My Numbers page:
(1) Find the detail line of the number you wish to work with.

(2) Click anywhere on that number's row. Alternatively, hover at the right-hand end to reveal the Edit and click on it.

(3) Scroll down to the Missed Calls/Voicemail section. Make sure the Missed Calls/Voicemails option is toggled on. The button will be purple. Then, hover over the email line until the Edit appears. Click on the Edit to manage your email.

Please note: If you are using the PastorsLine Mobile App, you will receive push notifications of missed calls even if this option has not been enabled.

For more about the My Numbers page, check out this article:


NOTE: Users and restricted users will not see the Integrations sub-category.

The image below shows all the three categories in full view across the notifications page.

Toggle on and off the available options to set/modify your notification settings.


Direct Conversations = any message that comes in that is NOT related to an automation / something PastorsLine is handling the responses for. Ex: "I need prayer" would trigger this notification.

Low Credits = this is an editable amount. You set the low credit amount and when your credits go below that amount, you will be notified.

Automated Group Statistics Email = After you send a group message, this will send you a summary of the results - the stats of successful, skipped undelivered messages, etc.

New Subscriber Alerts = Turn this on to be notified when you have new subscribers (people texting your keyword for the first time).

Reminder emails about expired credits = If you did not purchase a rollover protection (ROP) subscription, your unused credits will expire at the end of your billing cycle. Set this option to get reminders, so you can redeem your credits if desired (or purchase an ROP subscription if you decide it is to your overall benefit).

External App Potential Dups Alert = If you use any ChMS integration, anytime there is a duplicate profile created or a profile that matches information on a profile from your ChMS, it will be put on "hold" for manual review. This will alert you when this happens.


Instantly: if toggled on, notification will be sent at once.

Daily: if toggled on, a summary of the selected notification type will be sent once each day.

Email: if toggled on, notification will be sent by email.

***Please note when using the email notification settings- if you ever are out of the office and turn on any kind of "out of office" auto responder through your email program, you must turn off your email notification settings in PastorsLine or you will run into weird messages being sent to your contacts.

The email which will be used is the email in your PL profile. (See your Profile to view / edit that email)

When someone texts your PL number(s), a notification will be sent to your profile email. The email will show you the text message, the texter’s name, the texter’s phone number, and the PL number they texted to.

To reply to an email notification
RECOMMENDED: Click Reply online from the email to reply. You will be taken into your PL account Inbox for your reply.

The other option (NOT recommended) is to Reply via email:

1) Delete all of the conversation history. 2) Then, write your reply and send.

This message will be sent as a text message to the sender.

NOTE: If you do not delete your conversation history, it will all be included in your message and sent to that person and count as credits used.

SMS: if toggled on, notification will be sent as a text message.

If SMS notifications, is toggled on, you will need to enter in the phone number you want those notifications to be sent to.

When someone texts your PL number(s), a notification will be sent to the number you have chosen. If the texter’s name is known, this will be included with the text message. If the name is unknown, the notification will be the phone number and the text message.

NOTE...this is a viewing option only. You will not be able to reply to them via this notification.

Mobile: if toggled on, notification will be sent to your mobile device.

This means you will receive a push notification on the mobile app. (You need to check your phone notification settings for the PastorsLine app in order to allow notifications).


If you hover over this item, an Edit will display (brown arrow in image to the left).

Clicking on this Edit will allow you to change the number of credits.

To raise and lower the warning credit limit, use the upward and downward arrows, respectively (brown box in image to the left) - or - type in the number you wish.

Then click Save (turquoise box in image to the left) to update your limit or cancel by click the X (gold arrow in image to the left.

Your change will be confirmed:

Now you have organized your Notification Settings.

You've checked your Notification Settings but you / your people are not receiving them?

Plan B: Reach out to us.

If your notifications are set up correctly and you are still not receiving notifications as you organized, please get in touch with us:

The fastest option is our website chat bot .

You can also email us at: [email protected] .

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