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V3: Sending picture messages, attachments, and multiple file types
V3: Sending picture messages, attachments, and multiple file types

MMS msgs: Send up to 4.5 MB inline pics, Video: up to 1 MB & 25 sec. Add more pics & file types as links (PDF, PPT, MMS, DOC, DOCS, etc.)

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 9 months ago


Would you like to send messages from within your ChMS itself? In other words, no need to sign in to PastorsLine?

Download our Browser extension:

To send multiple pictures at once, add additional pictures as links, or attach files such as PDF, PPT, MMS, DOC, DOCS in the conversation box, check out the different attachment options in this article.

UPDATE October 12, 2023

Local numbers have a send rate of 1 MPS (message per second) for MMS messages.

If your group is too large, it could take hours to deliver all your MMS messages. In some cases, you could get a queue overflow error and your messages will not deliver. Anything queued for 4 hours will not deliver. You will get queue overflow error.

Thus, the recommendation is to use the toll free number instead of local number for large group MMS messages.

UPDATE November 17, 2021

Sometimes, it happens that the file extension of your image does not match the type of image it really is. For example, the name of your image file is NicePicture.png but the image is really a jpeg file.

In this case, PastorsLine will let you know. Check out the red/orange warning in the image below.

So how much stuff can you send overall?

You can attach inline pictures for a total size of 4.5 MB (all the inline picture sizes added together).

For files attached as URLs, the maximum size of each file is 100 MB.

The total number of characters (message + links) cannot be more than 1600 characters. (This is the equivalent of about 10 text messages.)

We are assuming that you see the Add options.

(1) If you followed the Create New path as shown below:

Then your screen will look like this:

(2) If you arrived via a path such as: Messages -->Create New [or] Groups --> Group selected --> Messages tab, your screen will look more like this:

As long as you can see the 'Add' options, you are in the right place.

Jump to the steps you need:

No need to attach your picture or video to a text message. Just select Add Image or Add Video (beta) (you can attach one or the other but not both at the same time); upload your media; and click Send.


When you click on this icon, the following screen pops up:

Choose the item(s) you wish to include and click on Done. For more information on working with Merge Fields, click here to go to another help desk article.


When you click on this icon, the following screen pops up:

Choose an existing template or add a new one. For more info on working with Templates, click here to go to another help desk article.


This icon allows you to upload pictures as inline images so your viewer will them them immediately while reading your message. When you click on this icon, the following screen pops up:

4: ADD VIDEO (beta)

You can record or upload almost any size video but we will resize it down to 1 MB for local numbers or 0.6 MB if it's the shortcode or the toll-free. These are hard limits set by the mobile carriers. The maximum length is 25 seconds per video. Anything larger and the video quality would be extremely poor due to the required resizing/conversion down to the required size by the mobile carrier. If the video is longer, you will have an option to trim it within the editor.


This icon allows you to create shortened links so you can send [URLs]: YouTube videos, websites, online forms, etc. and save characters and credits. After clicking this option, the following pop-up will appear:

Choose the link you wanted to add.

For more information about shortening links:


The following pop-up box will appear:

Select the signature you wish to use. Read more about choosing your signature here:


This icon allows you to attach files like PDF, PPT, MMS, DOC, DOCS, or additional pictures. You can also send multiple file types and pictures all in the same message. Each attached file will be send as a link (URL). So, your received will see a URL in the message and not a file.

Each attached file can be up to 100MB in size. There is no limit to the number of these files you can send --- keeping in mind that we cannot exceed the message characters limit of 1600. In other words, the characters in your message (including spaces) + the characters in all your links (inline &/or URL) cannot be more than 1600.

When you click on this icon, the following screen pops up:

You can select "Select Files to Upload" or drag and drop your files here.

After they have been uploaded, your added docs will be added as links and look like this:


The following pop-up will appear:

Vcards are virtual business cards. Choose your option and follow the prompts.

Below is an example of a Vcard they could look on a mobile phone.

The Vcard appears as an attachment in your SMS feed (blue box and arrow in image below).

After you click on the Vcard, it opens into a shared contact with a range of further actions.

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