V3 Profile menuWhat's behind your initials or avatar in the left-hand, bottom corner of the page?
V3: Views may change depending on Screen Window SizeYou know how you can make an app window larger or smaller? To accommodate your preferences, the PastorsLine view might change.
V3: Minimize / MaximizeWant to show less or more of the info on the screen? In other words, collapse or expand the menu? Here's how.
V3: DashboardYour PastorsLine dashboard has a lot of useful information. Let's check it out.
V3: Troubleshooting: Console error reportsGot an issue? Something not working as it should? It happens. Please help us help you with a console (tech) error report. Here's how.
V3: How small can my viewing window be? (Responsive warning)Resizing your viewing window? There's a minimum of how small it can be.
V3: Sort in Column 3How to use the sort options in Column 3.