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V3: Choosing a message signature

Here's how to add a personalized signature to your SMS.

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 10 months ago

2023.10.20 UPDATE

One-time (temporary) change to signature in real time.
Read more below.

When is a signature required?

When you use the PastorsLine short code (77411) or any toll-free number, a signature is required and it must follow certain rules. For example, in the image below, the message is being sent from a toll-free number. So, the signature is greyed-out (unchangeable) and the "Stop to opt out" option is included.

When is a signature optional?

For other numbers (not the PL short code or any toll-free number), the signature is now editable in real time. In other words, as you are creating the message itself. This is a one-time, temporary change. If you refresh the screen or create another message in the same thread or another thread, your default message will appear.

Default message in black - editable.

Signature after editing

Default signature returns when I create another message in the same thread or another thread.

Choosing a message signature

When you are in Messages view and typing a message, you will notice some icons and a plus sign (blue box in image below) to the left side of the message box.

BEFORE: You needed to click on it to reveal additional icons.

NOW: As part of our 'fewer clicks' philosophy, we are happy to report that we have fulfilled another of your feedback requests. As soon as you click in the message box, these action fields will open automatically. They will stay open even if you move to another message. They will close when you refresh the page.

Click on Choose Signature (yellow box in image above.

NOTE: Since shortcode and high-throughput numbers MUST include a signature, PastorsLine adds this automatically. With local numbers, the signature is optional.

Helpful tips when creating a shortcode signature:

(1) The required short code signature is also counted in your message's total character count. We have now removed the requirement to include the "reply to" number to help make this a few characters shorter. Now, only what is required by the industry is required in the short code signature.

(2) As an additional note, make sure you are using the format "~ From [Org Short Name]. STOP to Opt Out" correctly, so you don't receive an error.

(3) Make sure you don't delete the brackets. The system needs to see those brackets for it to program correctly. Don't worry! Your members won't see the brackets. So when you submit, you want it to say "~ From [Church Name]. STOP to Opt Out" and NOT "~ From Church Name. STOP to Opt Out".

After clicking Choose Signature...

The Choose Outgoing Signature for Number box will pop up (image below).

Blue 1

Choose the person sending the message.

Click on the downward arrow (it will change to upward) to open the dropdown menu of options.

Blue 2

Choose the category from which to select the signature.

Click on the downward arrow (it will change to upward) to open the dropdown menu of options.

Blue 3

The number will automatically refresh to reflect your choice in #2 above.

Blue 4

Choose the signature name you wish to use.

Click on the downward arrow (it will change to upward) to open the dropdown menu of options.

The menu will show ALL the signatures within the category you chose in #2 above. So, there might only be 1 option.

Blue 5

Check what your signature will look like here.

Blue 6

Clicking on this link will take you to Settings - User Settings - My Signatures where you can add/change/delete your signature options.

Want more info about that? Jump to the relevant article.

Blue 7

Click this option to remove your signature.

Blue 8

Happy with all your choices above? Click the purple Insert button to add your signature to your message.

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