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V3: Set up Caller ID

Verify a phone number that you own for use when making voice broadcasts or outgoing calls.

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over a year ago


***You will need to be an owner or admin to do this.***


Step 1

Log in to PastorsLine.

Step 2

Click on your thumbnail image / icon / initials in the bottom, left-hand corner of your screen (gold #2 in image to the left).

Step 3

Click on Numbers (Admin) (turquoise box and #3 in image to the left).

Here is the entire page --- closer look in a minute...


Step 1

Click on the purple Add new number button (image above, top right-hand side of the screen). The following box will pop up:

Step 2: Click on the Setup Caller ID (Voice/Broadcast) [turquoise box in image above]. Then click Next. You will see the following screen --

Step 3: Complete the information as follows - -

3.1 Turquoise box + 1 in image above: Type in the phone number you wish to verify.

3.2 Brown box + 2 in image above: If you have an extension or menu option enter that also.

3.3 Gold box + 3 in image above: If you completed #2, you may need to set up a delay until that number can be entered. To do that, click on Advanced Extension Settings. The following additional items will appear --

Delay Before Extension: Set the wait time before the extension can be typed in.
โ€‹Delay Between Each Number: Set the pause between typing in each number.

Step 4: Click the purple Call and Verify button.

Step 5: Confirmation process

The following box will pop up:

It tells you that PastorsLine is calling the number you entered.

5.1 When you receive the call, enter the verification code shown on the screen into your phone (turquoise box in image above).

5.2 If you don't receive a call, click the purple Click here to try again (brown arrow in image above).

5.3 When you have successfully entered in the verification code, click the purple Confirm button (gold arrow in image above).

When things are successful...

You will get a message and also see your number added to your Numbers screen. The number will show as Verified.

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