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V3: New Voice Call or Broadcast
V3: New Voice Call or Broadcast

Send a voice broadcast to a group or call a person with the dial pad.

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 6 months ago

Voice Broadcasts are for groups. If you choose a single person or a single number, PastorsLine will assume that you wish to make a call.

After logging in to PastorsLine...

Starting the call / broadcast process

Step 1: Click on Dashboard (blue #1 in image below).
Step 2: Then click on the Make a Call / Broadcast button (blue #2 in image below).

Step 3: The New Call or Broadcast box will pop up.


Type in a person's name or number.
Then click on the green receiver button to call.


Type in a group's name or number.
After choosing your group(s), click here to jump below for your next steps.

During the call, do you need to use the keypad?

For example, if you have called a telephone system that asks you to 'Press 1 for ..." or to key in the extension of the person you wish to speak with.

If so, click on the Keypad (blue box in image to the left).

The keypad will appear. Your call is still in progress, and now you can click on numbers as required.

Send a New Voice Message (Voice Broadcast)

Since you chose a group, you now see the New Voice Broadcast box.

Step #1: Choose who to send to

On the New Call or Broadcast screen, type in the name, number or group for whom you wish to send a voice broadcast.

The New Voice Broadcast screen will pop up.

Please note: For non-iPhone users, the Web Record option is available on most mobile browsers. For iPhone users, the Web Record option is only available via Safari. The Web Record option is coming soon to the mobile app!

Step #2: Choose how to record or select your Voice Broadcast

A) Web Record- Record your voice broadcast from your computer / web. Please note: For non-iPhone users, the Web Record option is available on most mobile browsers. For iPhone users, the Web Record option is only available via Safari. The Web Record option is coming soon to the mobile app!
B) Mobile Record - Record your voice broadcast over the phone (PastorsLine will call you).
C) Upload MP3 - Upload a MP3 file you have already created.
D) Text to Voice - Have an automated voice read your text to the recipient.
E) Broadcast Library - Select from a list of previously used broadcasts (if saved as templates).

F) Broadcast History - Select from a list of previously sent / recorded broadcasts

***If you forgot to save a previously recorded and sent Voice Broadcast as a template to be used in the future, you can choose to save it as a template now. You would need to select "Broadcast History", find the broadcast you want to send now and save as a template for later, and toggle on "Save as template" on step 3 before sending that broadcast.

A) Web Record

1. Select "Web Record" from the menu and then click "Next".

2. Click the "Record" button when ready to record your message.

For mobile browser users, you may have to click to allow PastorsLine to use your microphone. Click "Allow" to continue with recording your message through your web browser.

3. Use one of these options if you are finished recording or need to pause your recording.

4. Once you are finished, click "Next".

5. You have now completed Step 2 and will see the Step 3 screen:

NOTE: If you are an owner or an admin, you will also see all your verified numbers and text-enabled numbers on this list. As a result, you can send from these numbers also.

B) Mobile Record

1. Select "Mobile Record" from the menu and then click "Next"

2. Select the person to call.
If the number shown on this screen is not the number you need called, type out the right phone number here.

Once you have typed the phone number, click the "call" icon. This will call that number and walk them through the steps to record their message.

3. If the number shown is correct (your info will be shown by default), then select the "call" icon. This will call you and walk you through the steps to record your message.

While the call in progress, it will look like this:

4. Once the recording is complete, you can Play it back, or re-do it. Once you have the message you want to send, click "Next".

5. You have now completed step 2 and will see the Step 3 screen:

NOTE: If you are an owner or an admin, you will also see all your verified numbers and text-enabled numbers on this list. As a result, you can send from these numbers also.

C) Upload MP3

1. Select "Upload MP3" from the menu and then click "Next"

2. Click the "Upload" icon and select the MP3 file from your computer.

3. Once selected, you can play your recording, change your recording to upload a different MP3 or Click "next" to use the current uploaded MP3.

4. You have now completed step 2 and will see the Step 3 screen:

NOTE: If you are an owner or an admin, you will also see all your verified numbers and text-enabled numbers on this list. As a result, you can send from these numbers also.

D) Text to Voice

1. Select "Text to Voice" from the menu and then click "Next"

2. Choose your language

3. Type out your message to be read by the automated voice and then click "next".

4. You have now completed step 2 and will see the Step 3 screen:

NOTE: If you are an owner or an admin, you will also see all your verified numbers and text-enabled numbers on this list. As a result, you can send from these numbers also.

E) Broadcast Library

1. Select "Broadcast Library" from the menu and then click "Next"

2. Search for a saved broadcast, or click next to the broadcast recording you wish to use and click "next"

3. You have now completed step 2 and will see the Step 3 screen:

F) Broadcast History

This option shows a voice broadcast from a previously sent voice message.

1. Click on Broadcast History.

The Broadcast History Search screen will open.

2. Click on the previously sent voice broadcast you wish to use and click on NEXT.

Step #3: Edit your settings

*****New option: Call Screening Greeting***
We've gotten feedback about the delay between when a contact answers the call and when the system plays the voice message. Even though the delay is only 3 seconds, some people are feeling that this is too long. Here is our solution: Call Screening Greeting (orange box below).

If Call Screening Greeting is toggled on (i.e. toggle button is purple, green box below), the PastorsLine system will ask the receiver to Press 1 to hear your message. If this is not done, your message will play automatically after 3 seconds.

The message they will hear is up to you. Write your message in the greeting box (blue arrow below). Since it is a text-to-voice message, it will be read out in an automated voice.

Now, continue as usual to continue to edit your other settings...

1. Choose your "sending as" number (if applicable). This is where you select which number you want the voice broadcast to be from. If you have verified numbers on the account, you will see these and be able to select them here.

2. Choose your options for "If answered by a person". You can choose to delay playing the message for 0-5 seconds (recommended to keep on 0), and you can choose how many times you want to repeat this message (up to 5 times).

3. Choose your "If answered by Voicemail" options. You can choose to repeat this message up to 5 times.

4. Toggle this on if you want to save this recording to the "Broadcast Library".

***If you forgot to save a previously recorded Voice Broadcast as a template to be used in the future, you can do that the next time you need to send that broadcast out.

5. You will now see how many people this broadcast will be sent to and how many (estimated) credits it will "cost" (if you do not have enough credits it will tell you and you will be unable to send this broadcast until enough credits have been added to your account).

If you do have enough credits, you will have the option to "send now" or to schedule this broadcast.

To schedule this...

Click the clock icon

Choose your date and time. Then click Confirm.

You will then see your scheduled date and time listed at the bottom of the settings page. You can edit the date and time, delete it, or click the schedule/send icon at the bottom if you are finished.

NOTE: If you are an owner or an admin, you will also see all your verified numbers and text-enabled numbers on this list. As a result, you can send from these numbers also.

Watch a video

The video below shows one way to get to a new voice broadcast. No matter how you get there, the create process is the same.

Voice Broadcast rates

Up to the first minute is 2 credits per person.
Up to 2 minutes is 3 credits per person.
Click here for more information.

At the moment, voice broadcasts can only be done from the PastorsLine website. Changes to the mobile app are in the works and will be completed soon.

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