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V3: Creating a Prayer Request Campaign
V3: Creating a Prayer Request Campaign

Using a data capture to capture prayer request, Ninja trick

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over a year ago

When this article was written, PastorsLine did not yet integrate with the address data capture field. As a result, this field was available to be used as a custom field for data capture as a work around / ninja trick custom fields for data capture but we do have a work around / ninja trick. (Please note that it will not integrate back to your ChMS.)


Now PastorsLine DOES integrate with the address data capture field. So, it may or may not be available for your use as a custom data field.

Step 1: Did you enable the address field when you set up your integration sync?

Yes --> Sorry. This is a ONE TIME PROCESS. It cannot be reversed or turned off. So, this ninja trick is not available to you.

No --> Go to Step 2.

Step 2: Are you already using the address field as a custom data field somewhere else?

Yes --> Sorry. The address field must be used consistently within PastorsLine. So, this ninja trick is not available to you.

No --> You can use this ninja trick. REMEMBER: If you use the address field here for a purpose, you cannot use it for another purpose somewhere else.


If you want to automatically capture prayer requests, you can use the address field of a data capture to do this. See screenshots in each step for recommended verbiage (text suggestions) to use for this campaign.

You can also watch the video below for a better explanation. Note that it is primarily for V2 users, but V3 users would also find it very helpful.

STEP 1: Go to Campaigns

While logged into V3, choose one of the two methods below:


Click on Campaigns (lighting bolt icon, turquoise box in image below).


From your Dashboard, in the Add New section (turquoise box in image below), click on Campaign.

The Campaigns page would open on the right-hand side of the screen. Select Create New campaign (gold circle in image below).

Continue as below.

STEP 2: Create Data Capture

Next, you need to create a data capture linked to this group:

Choose "Create Data Capture"

STEP 3: Name your Data Capture

STEP 4: Select/Create the Group

Select the group (must be created already or you can choose to create a new group in this step) to link this data capture to. Click here for help on how to create a group with a keyword,

STEP 5: Choose/edit your Keyword Settings

Click "Add Keyword(s)" to expand your options.

As you can see in the screenshot below, you have two options:

  1. Option I - Send via your local, 10-digit PastorsLine number (or one of them if you have several)

  2. Option II - Send via our PastorsLine shared short code.

    *if you choose this short code option, you must request the keyword you want to use before setting this up.

Option I: Sending via a local number

Step 1: Make sure Local Numbers is purple. Toggle on the Turn on the keyword option for this tab button (will turn purple). The following form will open up.

Step 2: Choose the number you wish to send from. This is for display only - whatever number they text the keyword to is the number the messages will be from.

Step 3: Type in the keywords you wish to use.

Step 4: Set your first message for new users in this group (left-hand side) and "repeaters" (right-hand side). [For more information about new user vs "repeater", please click here.]

Use a template or compose a message. Our message might be, ‘Welcome to our church. We are glad you visited with us today.’

*For those returning subscribers ("repeaters"), type a different, more personal message. Perhaps ‘Welcome back. You are already connected to the group.’

Option II: Sending via the PastorsLine shared shortcode

Step 1: Make sure Shortcode (77411) is purple. Toggle on the Turn on the keyword option for this tab button (will turn purple). The following form will open up.

Step 2: Click in the "Assign shortcode keyword(s) you own" field and a list of the Keywords you have purchased or requested from PastorsLine will show (IF they are not already in use on your account). [For more information about free vs shortcode keywords, please click here.]

Step 3: Set your first message for new users in this group (left-hand side) and "repeaters" (right-hand side). [For more information about new user vs "repeater", please click here.]

Use a template or compose a message. Our message might be, ‘Welcome to our church. We are glad you visited with us today.’

*For those returning subscribers ("repeaters"), type a different, more personal message. Perhaps ‘Welcome back. You are already connected to the group.’

STEP 6: Edit the "First Message" section

Edit the First message section's left and right sides. For more information on how the left and right hand sides work, click HERE. This is the first message they will receive right after they text your keyword. *please note the name capture will be combined with this message too so make sure it "flows" well together".

Pro Tip: You can also leave this message blank if you want to skip it and send only the Name capture messages.

STEP 7: Edit the "Capture Name" Section

Edit the "Capture name" section if you are using this capture. You can use merge fields in the right side message to make this step more personalized if we already have their name. 

STEP 8: Edit the "Capture Email" Section

If using email capture, edit the "Capture Email" section.  You can leave the right side blank to skip this message if we already have their email address too. 

STEP 9: Edit the "Capture Address" Section

Edit the Address capture for your prayer request question. Make sure you turn the Right side to "OFF" so the left side message is sent every time -regardless of if we have their prayer request from last time or it's a brand new one. This allows the latest prayer request to always overwrite the previous one.

STEP 10: Edit the "Last message" section

This is where you can thank them for submitting their prayer request, let them know it's been received, you will follow up shortly, etc. This message is only sent AFTER they have submitted the prayer request. You can also turn the right side off to just send the left side message every time. 

STEP 11: Reviewing the Prayer Requests Collected:

You can then view prayer request in the group, under the address section. Or you can export the group members and all of their information and view/sort accordingly. 

Another (simpler but more manual) option is to just create a group with an data capture and use the last message to send the question you need information about. 

When they reply, any user assigned to that number will receive an email notification (if they have that option turned on in their notification settings) letting them know the name of the person, their phone number and their message that was sent. 

You can then forward that email to the appropriate person to handle the response however you needed.

**You can even add more automation and once you have prayed for them/taken care of/recorded their response, move them into a group linked to another Automated Message Campaign that sends them a message letting them know someone has prayed for them, etc - or manually send them a text letting them know.

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