V3: What is the difference between short and long codes? What are the advantages and disadvantages of short codes and long codes?When should I use a short code and when should I use a long code? shortcode
V3: Local A2P number over shared numbersDue to A2P changes, sending SMS or voicemail via your regular, 10-digit PastorsLine number is recommended. Here's why and how to.
V3: Why you might want to use multiple numbers (Multinumber)You can add an additional number and help end inbox madness with our multinumber option
V3: What’s the benefit/use of more than one phone number?
V3: PastorsLine number typesHere is more information about the types of numbers available on PastorsLine.
V3: Check phone numbers / Number lookupThis article shows you how to check an individual's number and/or the numbers in a group.
V3: Switching my primary/default/assigned numberChanging which number will be used to send messages unless you choose a different number before sending.
V3: How to release a numberHave a number you are no longer using? Release it. Here's how.
V3: How to add Additional Numbers to your accountAdding multiple numbers, having private numbers, for multinumber, multiuser, multicampus solutions plus deleting # from acct
V3: Switching between multiple numbersChanging your "from" number when sending messages.