You created a poll and some people texted your poll's keyword but did not answer the question. Here's how to follow up with them.
Step 1: Find out who texted your poll's keyword but did not yet answer.
1a. On the Campaigns page, find the poll you wish to look at. Go to Options and choose View (turquoise arrow in image below).
Your Poll Results page will open. At the top you will see a summary of the answers.
If you scroll down, you will see the Poll Campaign Details. Note that there is a column for Status (gold box in image below).
1b. If the status of a person is "Entered" (brown box below), it means that this person texted the poll keyword but did not answer yet. These are the people you want.
Step 2: Decide how you want to deal with them
If there is a list and everyone has a status of "Entered", choose them all by clicking the square in the yellow box above. Otherwise, just click the individuals you wish (blue box above).
In our example, we only have one person to choose.
Note that after I make my choice, three options appear: Send SMS, Export, Clear All.
Option 1: Send SMS (easiest option)
PastorsLine will redirect you to the Message thread which you have with this person, so you can send them a reminder to continue. Perhaps something like: "Hi! I see you entered our poll but did not respond yet! Maybe you forgot or didn't understand the options. Reach out if you need anything or have any questions"
PastorsLine will redirect you to Messages and create an ad hoc (temporary) group containing all the people you chose. In the message thread, you can send all the group members a reminder to continue. Perhaps something like: "Hi! I see you entered our poll but did not respond yet! Maybe you forgot or didn't understand the options. Reach out if you need anything or have any questions"
Option 2: Export
If you click on Export, a .csv file will be downloaded to your computer. You can then create a new group (perhaps 'Uncompleted polls') and import your people into it.
If you need help creating a new group: check out this help desk article:
If you need help importing contacts: check out this help desk article
Now you can handle the non-responders as you wish. You could send them a text or voice message. You could clone your poll and send it to them again.
To clone your poll
1: On the Campaigns page, click on Clone (turquoise arrow in image below) to make an identical copy of this campaign. The Clone Poll Campaign box will pop up.
The Clone Poll Campaign box will pop up.
2. Choose the organization/campus which is getting a clone of the poll. You may only have one choice or you may have several. Then, click Yes.
The Edit poll page will open. This allows you to edit your cloned poll if desired. For example, you may wish to change the keyword. Or you may wish to add something before the poll question: Hi! We don't seem to have gotten your answer, so we are asking again. {Poll question}
When you are finished edited, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.
You will get a status message.
3. Verify that the poll has been cloned.
On the Campaigns page, you should see your original as well as your cloned polls.
4. Send your cloned poll.
4a. On the Campaigns page, click on Send (turquoise arrow in image below) to send your cloned poll. The Send poll box will pop up.
4b. From the dropdown menu (brown arrow below), select the group which should receive the poll. We are using New Group so we clicked on that (brown box below).
4c. Click the From Number line. Choose the number to send your poll from.
Then, click Send (blue arrow above).
To check the results of your new poll...
Find it on the Campaigns page. Go to Options and choose View (like you did with your original poll).
Option 3: Clear All
Clear All basically refreshes the page, clearing your checked selections and date range search fields (if you used them).