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V3: Undelivered Messages - Why & Do I get charged credits?
V3: Undelivered Messages - Why & Do I get charged credits?

Reasons why. + Do I get charged credits for duplicates, skipped, undelivered, or failed messages?

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 11 months ago

Here is a list and explanation of the most common errors:

Your A2P 10DLC number is not yet registered: Your messages will be blocked, returning either the 30034 or 30035 error responses, which indicates that the message is from an unregistered number. This is usually temporary, so try again later and reach out to the PastorsLine help desk if not resolved in 24-48 hours.

External contact is marked as moved: This means that the person has been removed from a synced group. They are in the group in the ChMS but have been removed from the group on the PastorsLine side. Credits are not deducted for moved contacts.

Duplicate Number: This means there are multiple contacts with the same number in their profile (think husband and wife sharing one number or child profiles using their parent's number as theirs). We would send to the contact that is marked as the primary and skip the duplicate contacts. Credits are not deducted for duplicate numbers.

Unformatted number checked by carrier lookup: This means the number is not in the correct format. Something is wrong with the number. Most commonly, their number is showing as "0" or "10" because there is no number listed for that person. The first time you send to this person you would be charged credits, but every time after that, we would skip them and no credits would be deducted.

Carrier Violation: This means you have sent something that has flagged your message as Spam by the carriers. The message was not sent to the recipient. Credits are deducted.

​Skipped: Contact is blocked or opted out, number was a landline, external contact marked as deleted, was marked as unsubscribed by a user, the number is invalid, or it was a duplicate number. Credits are not deducted.

Here are some additional ones we might received back from the carriers:

Message Delivery - Unknown error: The destination carrier has returned a generic error message.

Error message: The destination handset you are trying to reach is switched off or otherwise unavailable.

Unknown destination handset: The destination carrier is reporting the To number is unknown, or no longer in service.

Message Delivery - Unreachable destination handset: The destination carrier is reporting the 'To' number is unreachable - the device is likely powered down, out of the service area, or may not accept your messages.

There could be a number of reasons for this. The most common are the person's number is no longer working, they are roaming, or in an area without service. For whatever reason, the carrier was not able to deliver the message to the person's handset.

Message Delivery - Carrier Violation: The destination carrier is filtering out your messages for delivery. This mean the carrier has marked your number as spam. If you send a large amount of bulk group messages, this could happen to you. That is why we recommend using the short code. Check out this article on carrier violations HERE.

Message Delivery - Message blocked: Your message has been blocked from reaching the destination. This mean the carrier has marked your number as spam. If you send a large amount of bulk group messages, this could happen to you. That is why we recommend using the short code. Check out this article on carrier violations HERE.

To check undelivered messages

When you have checked out all your undelivered messages, you can clear that category by marking them as seen.


Click on Messages (speech bubble icon in left-hand panel, turquoise box in image to the left).

Then click on Undelivered (gold box in image to the left).

Step 1: Click on the downward arrow to reveal further sub-categories.

Step 2: Click on Unseen. Your messages will open in the right-hand, black column.

Step 3: Click on the person whose message(s) you wish to see (gold box in image below). The image shows that we sent this person 3 messages -- all of which were undelivered.

Step 4: Hover on the Msg Failed (Click for details) message (turquoise boxes in image above). If we do that for these messages, we see that the messages failed because the contact is marked as unsubscribed.

There are a variety of reasons why a message might fail. You can use the information to fix things for the future. Here are more examples:


Click on your thumbnail (turquoise box in image to the left).

Then click on Settings (gold box in image to the left).

Here are the steps: Click on Analytics --> Logs --> V2 (Legacy).

The V2 (Legacy) Logs page will open. On the Logs page...

1. Choose your message category.

2-5. Change the remainder of the information as needed:

2. user/number 3. from date 4. to date 5. the number of messages to display per web page (we suggest setting to a number higher than your expected number so you can just scroll down).

6. Click on the Show button (gold box & 6 in image above).

The screen will refresh. All messages in the category you chose will be displayed below.

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