We notify you before this happens.
You can change your Credit Threshold in User Settings-Notifications so we can alert you to take action. We don't automatically auto-bill for overage. The user sending the message will receive 1 email per day when you are low in credits.
If you run out of credits but have an ongoing campaign, you will still be able to receive calls and text. You just wouldn't be able send messages or make calls. This puts the control in your hand.
Then, you can buy some more—we’ve got a choice of ‘credit buckets’ to choose from. They match the per month plan amount and price. On your Billing page, locate the Messaging Credits Summary section. Click on the purple 'Buy more credits' link.
The price for each bucket of messaging credits matches the price for one month of any of our plans.
More info about buying a bucket of credits here: https://help.pastorsline.com/en/articles/3586977-v3-can-i-purchase-a-bucket-of-credits
4. If you think this will happen often, consider upgrading your plan.
You can use our PLAN ESTIMATOR to get an idea of what plan would work best for your needs.
On your Billing page, locate the Billing Summary section. Click on Manage / Change Plan.
More info about changing your plan here: https://help.pastorsline.com/en/articles/4308165-v3-how-do-i-change-upgrade-downgrade-my-plan