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All CollectionsToolsWEB WIDGETS
V3: Web Widget Set Up
V3: Web Widget Set Up

How to set up and use a web widget

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 10 months ago

To find out what a web widget is, visit this article HERE.

How to get to the web widgets

How to set up a Web Widget


From the More Menu

First: Click on the 3-dot More Menu (see image to the left).

Then: Choose Web Widgets (see image below).

The following screen will appear:


From your Campaigns page

On your Campaigns page, find the campaign for which you wish to make a Web Widget.

Click on the 3-dot menu at the right-hand end of the detail line. If web widgets work with this type of campaign, you will see this option offered. Choose it.

The following screen will appear:

Option 3

From Groups

Step 1: While in PastorsLine, click on Groups.

Step 2: Then, open the Group with which you wish to work.

Step 3: From your group's page, choose the Web Widget tab.

How to set up a web widget


Simple click on the icon of the step to move directly to that step. For example, I am not in preview. If I want to change the design, I just have to click on the Design icon (second item from the left).

STEP 1: Select the number and group you wish to use. Then click Continue.

If you enter web widgets from the Campaigns page, depending on the type of campaign, PastorsLine may have completed this step for you already.

Click on the downward arrow to reveal your number options. Click on the number you wish to use.

Click on the downward arrow to reveal your group options. Click on the group you wish to use.

Note: You can only select from already created groups. For help with creating a new group, click here. (URL)

***Original = Click HERE
needs to be updated

STEP 2: Edit your AutoReply Message.

This is the TEXT message your people will receive after submitting their information through the form and being added to the group you selected.

Don't be alarmed! We will zoom in soon.

Here is an example of how this process could work.

STEP 2a: Background Color, Optional Logo, Upload Logo

BACKGROUND COLOR: Click on the square to reveal the color chart. Choose a color from the color chart or type in your hex color value. As shown above, I chose grey.

OPTIONAL LOGO URL: Type in the URL of your logo image. Then continue to Upload Logo and click on Click Here to upload your logo.
DEFAULT PHONE COUNTRY: Choose from the dropdown menu.

STEP 2b: Font, Signup message, Successful signup message (all three are optional)

Below is what you see at the beginning of the process.

To show you more clearly, let's fill in the signup message and the successful signup message:

We will speak about the messages first; then we will talk about the font.

2b.2. Signup Widget Message: Type in your "header" message. This is the message that will be shown on top of the form's screen. In our example above, we typed in "We'd love you to join us!"

2b.3. Successful Signup Message: Type in the final message that will show after they have clicked "Join Now". In our example above, we typed in "Hooray! You're in!"

2b.1. Font, Font Style, Font Size, Font Color

As shown in the image below, the defaults are Arial, Normal, 13 and black respectively. If you wish, you can change any of these features.

Here is how the default looks:

Here is an example of another configuration:

STEP 2c: Signup Button Text

In the image above, the call-to-action button says "JOIN NOW"? Want to change that? Here is the place. Choose your font color and background color also.

STEP 2d: Redirect URL (optional)

Do you want your people to be sent to a URL after they have signed up? Perhaps to complete another form or give them further information? This is the place to do that.

STEP 2e: Collect Email / Birthday / Address (all three are optional)

Would you like your form to collect your person's email, birthday, and or address? Click on the relevant boxes (brown arrows above).

NOTE: If nothing is clicked, only their phone number will be collected.

STEP 2f: Back or Continue?

If you want to change anything, click Back. If you are satisfied with everything so far, click Continue.

STEP 3: Embed your widget

Below the above section are all of the different types of links you can choose from and copy and paste them accordingly.


You cannot view these links or make changes to this web widget once you are finished. Please make sure you have copied and pasted / saved these links to share BEFORE leaving the web widget section.

Once copied, click Continue (or Back to make any changes).

STEP 4: Preview

You will now be taken to a screen where you can preview your web widget.

Click Back to make any changes.

Once you are happy with your preview, your web widget is ready to be used via the option(s) you copied in Step 3 - Widget Type.

PRO TIP (Ninja Trick)

If the group you selected for this is also set up with a data capture (see this article HERE for how to set up a group with a data capture), any information not collected on this web widget form will be collected via the data capture.

For the example below, email was not filled out before the form was submitted.

Once the form is submitted, the recipient will receive the data capture text messages necessary to complete the data capture (If on the online form, the name was left blank, the name data capture message would be sent, if email was left blank, the email data capture text would be sent and so on). You can view the "stage" each person is on by viewing the data capture campaign (see this article HERE on how to view campaigns).

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