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Statistics and other data to help you track and improve your digital strategy.
V3: Ninja Trick - Using previous logs to add people into groupsUse a previously sent message to create or add people back into a group
V3: View full list of subscriber's names per keywordIf you need to see a list of who texted a specific keyword
V3: View total number of subscribers by keywordView total number of subscribers by keyword for a specific date range
V3: Campaign AnalyticsWhy you need data and what we can show you.
V3: The difference between Sent, Received, DeliveredIn logs and analytics, what is the difference between sent, received and delivered?
V3: Analytics -- How to find and generate your Logs and ReportsGet information about the text and voice messages in and out.
V3: How can I see a list of opt-outs / unsubscribers?Want to see who opted out? Here is our best help.