V3: Account Size: How big can my CCB account be? (or) How many subscribers can I have?Account Size: How big can my CCB account be? (or) How many subscribers can I have?
V3: How does PastorsLine integrate with Pushpay/CCB and sync your data?Syncing between Pushpay/CCB and PastorsLine
V3: Why do you need the CCB API latest service (individual_search) now?individual_search, syncing failed,
V3: Does the phone number have to include any carrier info like CCB requires currently?Mobile carrier for CCB twexting
V3: When a person texts in, does PastorsLine create a contact? And does it update the data in the CCB system?Creating contacts in CCB
V3: What happens if I delete a group in CCB that is synced to a group in PastorsLine?
V3: What happens when I remove someone from PL, if that group is synced with CCB?Deleting, unsubscribing and blocking contacts and CCB
V3: How does PastorsLine create new profiles in CCB? Do we have to create a group for them? Or a process queue?Process queue, add profiles to Pushpay/CCB, create profiles
V3: What number comes from Pushpay/CCB to PastorsLine for a contact profile? Home, work, other, preferred?For the Pushpay/CCB - PastorsLine integration: phone number selection for a contact
V3: Why do you need the CCB API latest service (merged_individuals) now?merged_individuals, syncing failed