Previously, it was a little complicated to send an auto reply to a keyword that contained a link.
Now, we have given you the option to choose your "send from" number to be FROM the short code. So Tom texts your keyword "WELCOME" to your PastorsLine number, 555-555-5555. Instead of risking your message being filtered because it contains a link, you can choose to have that message reply back FROM the short code. ย
NOTE: Only owners / admins can view the short code keyword page. Users and restricted users cannot.
**This does work with data captures as well, but you may find new guests might have two text threads with this process - the one they reply to (your 10-digit, PastorsLine number) and the one they receive messages from (the short code). To avoid this, reserve a keyword to use with the short code - more info on that HERE.
Here's how you set this up:
2. Find the group you want to edit and click on its 3-dot more menu (gold box and #2 in image below),
3. Click on Edit (pink box and #3 in image above).
The Edit Group screen will open.
4. In the Edit Group screen, scroll down until you see your Auto-reply Message Settings. Underneath, you will see two toggles labelled "Always reply via the short code, 77411" : one toggle for new subscribers (red box) and one for returning opt-ins (blue box). The toggle is "off" when the toggle button is grey (like in the example below).
5. Toggle both to "on" (toggle button turns purple - see red and blue boxes below). This makes sure the auto-response is from the short code.
6. Scroll all the way down to the bottom and click Save (green box) if you are finished OR Save & Collect More Data if you want to use a data capture (DC) with this feature (see note at top of this article if wanting to use a data capture with this keyword).