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V3: How to enable your PastorsLine-PCO contacts on your PCO lists (2-way sync)
V3: How to enable your PastorsLine-PCO contacts on your PCO lists (2-way sync)

How to make your people lists sync two-way with Pastorsline

Anne Heath avatar
Written by Anne Heath
Updated over 8 months ago

One way you can integrate with your PCO lists is with a two-way syncing integration. This means based on your PCO list rules, the results of that search will update your group in PL AND anyone added to the PL group will also be added to the PCO list. This involves adding a specific rule to your PCO list. This article will walk you through setting this up.  

Just before we begin...

Are you looking to sync so you can send a message?

We recommend our Browser Extension - designed to allow you to send group texts from within Planning Center. You create the message -- We do all the necessary syncing in the background.

Step 1: Log in to PCO. and go to your People app.

Step 2: Click on the Lists tab at the top of the screen. 

All of your people lists will show. Click on the relevant list and you will see the members listed on the next screen. 

Step 3: Next, click on the Rules tab and the Rules Dashboard screen will open.

Step 4: Add a new rule that would include whatever you have plus this new condition. 

Step 5: Change the “People matching…” option to Any in order to include what you have now and anything new you plan to add.  

Step 6: On the new rule line, click Select a Condition. Choose (Integration) from the dropdown list. 

A selection of lists will open. Choose (check the box next to) the relevant matching one(s).

So, it’s a one-time, manual step per list.

If you want to make sure that your list of people in Planning Center matches the one in PastorsLine, this is what you do. 

The rules are used to pull that person into the list. In some cases, you may have an open-ended, Planning Center list that just searches for everyone that was added after a particular date. In that particular case, you really don’t need to do this, but if your list has different criteria and it isn’t just open-ended, this option will be very, very helpful. 

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